What is an erogenous zone?

An erogenous zone is an area on the human body that has heightened sensitivity. Often, these areas excite sensual & sexual energy when stimulated. The caressing, light tapping, light finger glides, lips-to-skin, tongue-to-skin & licking to name a few methods will make your man tingle.
Erogenous areas are located all over his body with some areas more sensitive than others. The sensitivity to touch is dependent on the amount of sensory nerve endings in that given area. When you explore these pleasure centers, often, you’ll enhance the flow of sexual energy that he experiences and ultimately, his orgasm will be much stronger, more pleasurable, and longer-lasting.
5 Erogenous Zones to Make Him Melt
In my years of sensual & erotic massage practice, I’ve discovered that there are 5 particular erogenous zones that men absolutely love! Take note…
Of course we can all think of the main one – his penis, but let’s begin not with his pleasure stick, but starting with his scalp & working our way down.
1. Scalp, Temples, Forehead, Neck & Shoulders

This entire area is deeply sensual. Practicing different massage techniques will improve your ability to get your partner to melt into a whole other world.
Try This: When you explore this encompassing erogenous zone, slow it down and experiment with different pressure levels. Start with a slow & light glide along his scalp and through his hair.
Pro Tip: One way to help your technique initially is to picture cracking an egg at the crown and slowly moving your fingers from the crown all the way down to his shoulders just like the yolk is dripping down his head and neck and onto his shoulders. This is a good pace to stimulate your partner’s sensory nerves and get him feeling all tingly.

Try This: Next, experiment with more applied pressure with your finger tips. Keeping your hands wide and fingers apart, clamp down on his scalp and slowly move your fingers in a circular motion applying a good amount of pressure.
Try This: After a good 30 seconds, drag your finger positions slowly downward toward the base of scull while still applying the same unified pressure. Keep your movements slow and strong with your fingers as your drag them down at a rate of 4-5 seconds to reach the base of his scull. Follow this same pattern back up to your initial starting position at a rate of 4-5 seconds and repeat this patter a few times.
With practice, you’ll get to know his more sensitive areas that make him tingle. Experiment with changing pressures and different scalp areas, including along scalp bone sutures such as the Coronal, Lambdoid, & Sagittal sutures.
2. Ears & Neck

The ears & neck area are must-try erogenous zones to explore with your guy! You can get especially creative here and use not only hand & finger touch but also your beard, lips, nose, and tongue.
Try This: As you gently nibble and tongue his ear, your breath will excite him. He’ll most likely twist and turn with pleasure and without thinking, wrap his arms around you and caress you.
The science on this is pretty interesting too. Innate deep biological processes occur which evoke the body’s musculature to participate in the intimacy. Suddenly, everything becomes natural and movements flow. Being present in the moment with your partner will only make it better and enhance the physical and emotional experience.
3. Inner Thigh

The inner thigh is highly sensual and adds to the intensity. When giving a massage that tickles your guy’s pleasure centers, slowing down and giving extra time before reaching “the end” is more excitatory.
With this practice, you extend and drum up a full-body experience with sexual anticipation that gets stronger.
Try This: Massage his inner thigh and grace along his groin line as long as you can before touching his fun area. You can excite him by edging closer to his perineum and balls but then take it back to his thigh and sensually massage this area.
Try This: Massage techniques involve light to hard pressure effleurage, push-and-pull, squeeze-and-hold, lighter fist circles going up and down his inner thigh followed by very light finger-tip slides and gentle finger-tip squeezing of his skin layer. Play and experiment. If you’re feeling extra curious, experiment with your lips and tongue too.
4. Perineum

His perineum: very sensitive to touch. There is no “right” way to massage this erogenous zone. This is the part of his body that sits between his anus and his testicles. Each guy will have varying sensitivity but from my experience, the gentle soft finger-tip glides is a welcomed experience!
Try This: As you experiment and explore this area, remember that you have two hands! So, if he’s laying on his front, you can explore his perineum with your fingers from one hand while you gently massage his butt or continue playing with his inner thigh. Or, if he’s laying on his back, one hand can gently caress up and down his perineal line while your other hand plays with his nipples, his balls, or holding firmly his shaft. But don’t stroke him just yet!
Pro Tip: The skin around this area, including the testicles and of course the penis is more sensitive and delicate. I recommend making sure your finger nails are well groomed and filed to make everything soft and pleasurable. And, you can also wear a finger cot if you have sharper nails.
5. Penis, Glans, & Testicles

And we’re getting further along the crescendo. Let’s make it last. He’ll be begging you to finish him but it’s a good practice to dial it up and then back down right before he achieves climax. This of course takes practice to get really good at but that’s part of the journey! It’s about human male-to-male connection and experiencing sensuality and sexuality together. You’ll very likely be excited too throughout this intensifying experience so embrace the moment to the fullest!

Generally, men that are intact with their foreskins have more sensation toward the head of the penis, including the frenulum, the glans, and the foreskin itself. An intact foreskin maintains all the sensory nerves and also protects the glans when the penis is flaccid.
Try This: Get overtop of your guy and with both hands wrapped around his erect penis and thumbs close together, gently squeeze and move your thumbs up and down (slowly) along the underside of his shaft. Experiment with different pressures: soft-to-hard as well as small movements.
Try This: Then, with one thumb (typically the right hand), make gentle circles on his frenulum as you gently pull down on the base of his shaft toward his balls. You can gently pinch and pull on the skin just below his shaft leading to his balls while continuing to stimulate his frenulum and gently moving up toward the tip of his glans and back down.
Ultimately, you’ve got to dive in and explore what makes him tingle with pleasure!

- Sensual and erotic massage is an exciting exchange of energy between you and your partner. It evokes feelings of deep connection & intimacy.
- An erogenous zone is an area on the human body that has heightened sensitivity. Often, these areas excite sensual & sexual energy when stimulated.
- Explore sensual-erotic touch & massage with these 5 Erogenous zones on your man:
- His head area: scalp, forehead, neck, shoulders
- His ears and neck
- His inner thigh
- His perineum
- His penis, glans, and testicles